“I really do think a water fountain in the backyard would fit really well” Susan continues to her husband, “right beside the deck on the edge of the patio would be the perfect spot for it!”
“That may be” Peter responds, “but I really wish we knew all the ins and outs before chasing down landscape contractors for pricing. I always hate that part.”
“I know, I hate the estimation and bid process too” says Susan despondently. “I don’t know why we can’t just find upfront pricing so we could plan this fountain project instead of just guessing and wasting a bunch of time with companies. Like if there were some online guide, you know what I mean?”
With a knowing smile, Peter takes his phone out saying “I know exactly what you mean, and maybe there is a guide just like that… wait, here’s an article explaining how much it costs to install a water feature here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is exactly what we were looking for, let’s take a look!”
What Susan and Peter find is this guide right here sharing the ins and outs of a fountain installation with pricing in the Minneapolis / St. Paul Twin Cities area for water enthusiasts in Minnesota. Let’s take a look at what they read!
How Much Does It Cost To Install A Water Fountain In Minneapolis Minnesota?
1. Factors Influencing Fountain Installation Costs
Fountain installation prices are influenced by various factors including the size of the fountain you’re wanting installed, how many fountains in your fountainscape, complexity of design, fountain upgrades, and accessibility and access.
Fountain Size: Larger fountains require more labor, time, and materials. While mini fountains can be installed as quickly as half a day by a single skilled water artist, large fountains can require multiple people and equipment to properly set in place. Additionally, the bigger the fountain the bigger need there is for more water. Fountains work off an underground reservoir buried in the ground that supplies the flow. Mini fountains can have as small as a 40 gallon reservoir, while the sky is the limit for larger fountains depending on the homeowners needs.
Number of Fountains: While price varies between smaller and larger water fountains, the number of fountains in a single fountainscape can affect a lot. While many thinking of a water feature might only think of a single fountain piece, the addition of a different sized fountain can really complement the centerpiece. Some homeowners may want to take advantage of the space they have and include as many fountains as possible to maximize the water noise. It’s not unusual for a fountain feature to include as many as a dozen or more fountain pieces incorporated into one larger water feature.
Complexity of Design: From building a single simple fountain in your yard to creating an entire water landscape out of fountains, design can become very different very fast. While a single fountain is simple and straightforward to accurately estimate, every additional piece included in the design means more thought goes into the slope of the ground, surrounding landscaping and hardscaping, water access, electrical needs, and more. Beyond the fountain itself you may decide on adding a water-loving planting package, accent boulders, and even fountain lighting. This addition of multiple aspects requires more attention to bring a successful project to a successful ending.
Fountain Upgrades: Talking about planting packages and fountain lighting, there are many possible upgrades to any backyard water feature. Some upgrades are required to be completed during the initial build process, while others can be added at a later time. A short list of popular upgrades includes the before-mentioned planting packages to naturalize the space, accent boulders and accent rocks to add dimension, LED fountain lighting to bring your fountain to life at night, as well as user enhancements such as auto-dosers for fountain water treatments, auto-fill valves so that you don’t have to manually fill your fountains when evaporation happens, and more. Your contractor of choice would be able to discuss fountain upgrades before any construction project begins so that you know the options available to you.
Accessibility and Access: Easy access to the project area reduces the time and labor costs. Fountains that are difficult to access and install take more time and may require additional equipment to safely build or manpower, increasing the price. Of all water features, fountains are one of the simplest to install, but they can still become complicated from a simple change in location.
2. Average Cost of Installing A Fountain
Most fountains in Minnesota cover a ground area between 4’x4’ and 6’x6’ in size, with the smallest being as small as 3’x3’ for small yard accents and the largest being covering as much space as 20’x20’ for some commercial installations. The average sized fountain in our state between 4’x4’ and 6’x6’ being installed is built for $6,000 after upgrades such as plants and lights are added. While this same fountain starts as a standalone piece at $3,750, with add-ons it can go as high as $8,000.
For the budget fountain or fountain being installed in a tight space, a mini 3’x’3 fountain starts at $1,995 fully installed before upgrades. For the fountainscape incorporating multiple fountains, being included as part of a pond or waterfall feature, the investment starts at $4,750 and can easily go past $20,000-$30,000.
As you can see, the cost of a fountain installation in Minnesota around Minneapolis and the Twin Cities can vary a good deal. However, with how modular fountain systems are compared to ponds and waterfalls, it’s easier to customize your fountain package to fit your design and budget needs than any other water feature. Now that you have an idea of pricing, you can talk with your water feature contractor on fitting your needs into your space the best way possible!
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