Creating a Zen Space with Water Features

Creating a Zen Space with Water Features

How do I transform my backyard into a place of calm?

Transforming a section of your garden into a zen space with water features is an excellent way to introduce tranquility and mindfulness into your outdoor area. Zen gardens are rooted in traditional Japanese garden design, focusing on natural simplicity and calmness. You can create a zen space in your own backyard with just a water feature.

Choose the Right Water Feature

What sort of water feature do you want to have in your zen space? You could choose a cascading fountain, a meandering pondless waterfall, a calming pond, or any combination that fits your needs. From the energizing flow of a waterfall to the reflective calm of a pond, there are many combinations. The great thing about water features is that any water feature is the right water feature. Water is so simple and natural, and able to be easily incorporated into any design you need.

As you are choosing your water feature, keep in mind how you will use it. Will it be a sitting area needing a bench and some shade, or will it be a path around your feature with walking stones to guide the way? Your viewing area is what will transition you from the busyness of life into your zen garden, not just an add-on. 

When it comes time to build your feature, less is more here. While it can be tempting to add impressive features, your goal with your zen space is to create a place of calm and serenity. To some, bare bones may be what’s needed, for others, maybe some more warmth and color could keep senses alive as you contemplate around your water garden. This could be as simple as adding some statuary or more complex such as adding subtle lighting to help with the peaceful atmosphere in the evenings. We’re just trying to give you some ideas here, but you’re the one who knows what centers you. What centers you?

Creating a Zen space with water features is about designing a place that allows you to connect with nature and find some peace. It's a personal retreat that can offer rest from the busy world we live in and a haven for quiet contemplation and relaxation.

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